- SignUp
- Spaces & D!BS
- Wandoo Reader
- 老王v2.2.9
Fill those seats and boost program attendance by helping members of the community discover, register for, and share your library’s events. The SignUp event management system makes it easy.

Make event space and meeting room management work your way. Patrons can check availability, view space details, and book rooms with or without the help of the librarian, depending on whether your library is using Spaces, D!BS, or both.

Elevate your library’s reading programs with Wandoo Reader to keep the whole family reading year-round.

Give your patrons the brain boost they need and enhance your online offerings. BrainHQ™ helps you impact your patrons’ lives—the scientifically proven way.

Make the Impact You Imagine

When your community members think library, do they only think books? Make everything your library has to offer more visible to everyone.

Boost circulation, event attendance, and learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities — even those unable to access a physical branch.

Demonstrate your impact and make funding decisions clearer with the qualitative data you need.
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How MacDonald Public Library is Increasing Events While Saving Staff Time

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15 Ways to Make Your Library the Talk of the Town


5 Ways to Repurpose Your Library’s Most Popular Programs

25 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Kick-start (or Refresh) Your Library’s Community Outreach

How SignUp and Spaces Transformed Event and Room Management at a California Library

Two Must-Haves for a Rewarding Summer Reading Program Finale